My Plan to re-open Physique Rx'd!

First I want to say THANK YOU. The abrupt shut down in March created huge shock waves for the all of us. I don’t want to ramble on and on and re-live the emotional roller coaster we have been fastened into for 3 months, but I wanted to inform you about moving forward with Physique Rx’d!

I remember saying in my first video March 16th, 2020…”it will be interesting to see how we all react to this.” and there you were. You were all so supportive and I am forever grateful. Thanks to technology and social media, I was fortunate to continue classes through Facebook “LIVE” pushing me to think outside the box! Not to mention connecting with so many friends all over the world!

Trust me! Come Monday June 8th I would love to swing open my doors and get back to the way we were! Oh my heart.

BUT it won’t be that easy.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! CDC and state government green phase guidelines:

Gyms and studios: There are restrictions on the number of people allowed to gather in one space. Must be 6 feet apart. Wear your mask as you enter and exit. Take your students temperatures. remove your shoes before entering the studio, pump hand sanitizer into your students hands first, report to your workout space, don’t remove your mask until the class starts… And the list goes on and on and on…I don’t know about you but my anxiety and blood pressure just went through the roof!!!!

I am mainly concerned for your health and safety as well as my own to still be able to see family members that are more at risk. The virus is not gone. I know everyone truly understands this and your patience is greatly appreciated as many studio owners like myself are trying to make the right decisions!

I will definitely be continuing my virtual class schedule: Monday-Thursday”s 4:15PM Eastern time: Saturday’s 9AM and possibly a Friday here and there.

Beginning Monday June 8th

Week 1-2: Private sessions only by appointment. This is of course up to the client. Those that still feel more comfortable continuing our Facetimes at home let’s keep those going! Those have been so fun with your pets!!
Week 3: Smaller groups: Possibly 3-5 ( I really hope to get to this point)
Week 5: TBA Let’s see what the end of June brings

I hope everyone is staying healthy and keeping your minds at peace!

Thank you again for your patience and understanding! Please feel free to message or email me if you have any concerns and questions!

Hugs and Love,
